January 31, 2020 1 min read

Entering the air sign of AQUARIUS, where we expand and grow past our comfort zones, as the great water bearer challenges us to shift away from our habitual ways and step more fully into our personal power. This deeply creative season is all about thinking outside the box and introducing new energies into your world. Aquarius is all about bringing the best out in each person, so the idea of the collective is strong during this season. Aquarius shows us that it is time to understand our we can raise the vibration of the earth and the collective wellbeing of all of humanity. 


To celebrate, we've hand picked stones and mantras to inspire and enhance your Aquarius season.


Aquarius Mantras:
Trust the process
I am here for a special purpose 
OPAL: stone of higher intellect and intuition
AMETHYST: balancing and protective
LABRADORITE: magic and manifestations 
TURQUOISE:  truth and personal power