February 02, 2021 2 min read

We’re so honored to create a collection together. What inspired the phrase “where the rivers meet”?
“Where the rivers meet” refers to a sacred meeting of three holy rivers in India, the Ganga, Yamuna, and the mythical Saraswati. In an outer sense, this is where we met and eventually got married. It’s the place of where the rivers of our lives merged and became one. It is also the seat of our Guru’s Lineage and the home of our ashram. It’s home to a lot of things. In an inner sense, it represents the place where everything becomes one. It is a divine meeting place of people, souls, traditions, and love. 


Cuffs have always been ancient symbols of unity. The use of cuffs for this collab pays homage to the unity of you two as husband and wife. Could you share the significance of the women’s cuff being made with moonstone and the men’s with obsidian? 
This part of the collaboration was really personal for us. We simply chose the stones we gravitated to and that are personal to us. It was a decision based on feeling and not on intellect. Most of the time, those decisions are the best ones. Hopefully other folks gravitate to these stones too! Haha!

Connecting in India, how had this place and culture impact the intentionality of your relationship?
India and her holy land has been woven into our relationship since the beginning, as that is where we first met. Our teachers and experiences there have continually guided us and helped shape who we are as individuals and as partners. Not sure where we would be without Her :)

Like our handmade pieces, relationships need to be both sturdy yet flexible. How do you two remain fluid in your life together? With travel, music, art, and photography?
It’s a continual practice. We’ve had so many highs and lows but have tried to learn from every experience. Honoring the fact that we are both creatives definitely helps support fluidity and spontaneity in our partnership. 

10% of the proceeds are going to a special cause. Can you tell us more about the "Where the Rivers Meet Foundation" ?
After decades spent traveling across India and Nepal, we were inspired to create a foundation that could give back to those lands and people that touched and impacted our lives so immensely. Where the Rivers Meet Foundation is a foundation to support the lives, culture landscape and education of communities in Nepal and India through empowering grassroots, locally-lead organizations that are working on the ground. 

You're both very talented. Through the art of your music & photography, what message are you hoping to share with the world?
Both of our crafts are mainly centered around connection. We try and leave it up to the craft itself to portray the message it wants. 

One piece of advice you could share for cultivating and growing a healthy relationship with your inner self?
Be easy on yourself. Let go of judgement. Understanding that it’s an ever-unfolding journey is probably the most important. Know Thyself ... Be Free!