May 07, 2017 4 min read

Marissa Quinn is an artist, creative visionary, and ocean Maven based in Encinitas, California. From life size murals to hand drawn miniatures, Marissa brings the magic of the ocean to life through her art. We connected with this beautiful soul and have loved getting to know her and the beautiful way she sees the world. Like the tranquil energy of the ocean stone Larimar, Marissa exudes the balance and trusting flow of the ocean. Read our interview with our Larimar muse below.

Favorite Mantra of the moment: 

"I am ready for my highest good, and I am an open vessel for my highest good now. All is well, and all will be well." This is something I repeat in my head all day every day, and is a combination of quotes from Louise Hay and the Biblical Wisdom Tradition. 


 Sunset or sunrise?

I love both so much! I try to make a point of seeing both every day. Sunrise instills in me a sense that every day is a new day and each new day holds infinite possibilities for good. There's nothing like feeling the magic light of the Earth coming to life. At the same time I feel the most connected to loved ones in my who have passed on at sunset. I have a ritual of walking from my cottage down to the sea with a sketchbook to draw or paint in order to connect, to quiet myself, and to let myself feel at sunset.  


Favorite crystal?

I don’t know if this counts, but I am currently obsessed with my Himalayan Pink Salt lamp!


 How does the ocean inspire you and your art? 

I grew up in a community near the ocean, which I think from a young age taught me how to live in seasons and rhythms with the ocean. I currently live in a little cottage above the sea, and am in the water a lot trying to better myself at surfing longboards. When I‘m in the water I forget my fears and failures and anxieties. It is a place where my mind goes quiet and I am able to just BE in nature where I feel connected to the Divine. This feeling of being and connection is where my creative flow comes from and is something that I am trying to convey through my art as a narrative of hope to inspire people into protecting our Earth.  


Describe your perfect day:

A perfect day is waking up early to watch the sunrise touch the sea with a hot cup of coffee in one hand and a sketchbook in the other. I love starting the day with a 15-20 minute meditation followed by a few minutes either sketching or writing. These early morning moments warm me up for a creative and positive day. After a quiet morning I'll usually either workout or swim or surf for about an hour, which gets all my wiggles out and quiets my mind for studio time. I love spending the rest of the afternoon drawing in the studio and working on a few different projects at once! After a solid afternoon in the studio I'll then cook dinner, visit my family, and then head back to my cottage for either more studio time or to snuggle up and read. 


Favorite marine creature to draw?

Oh gosh I don’t think I have one! I love the symbolic power of the humpback whale, but I also love getting lost in drawing seaweed curling and swaying in the current! 



Intentions for this year: 

This year I have a huge list of goals to accomplish, but I know that I cannot accomplish anything without approaching them through authenticity. I am making time every morning to meditate and connect with my heart and with the Divine in order to continue to find authentic creativity. I am calling bravery, risk-taking, confidence, professionalism, and financial stability into my life as I begin to tackle the goals on my list. This list is precious and private to me, but I will share that I am hoping to expand my work beyond just pieces of art but into other products and also into more writing and motivational speaking. 


 What is your favorite way to wind down after a busy day?

My favorite way to wind down after a busy day is putting on my comfy pants and watching the sun set with a glass of wine! I also like reading and journaling before bed to calm my mind and pull my thoughts away from social media and work. 


 Do you have any travel planed for this year?

Yes! I have LOTS of travel planned this year which includes several road trips to the SF and Portland area for some upcoming collaborations and shows! I am also planning a trip to India and Bali (and possibly Australia) later on this year for some research for another project I have in the works!


Three things I am grateful for today: 

Today I am grateful for my supportive community, for new opportunities to push myself into greater good, and for the beautiful Divine who always loves and always provides.



Want to wear the tranquility of the ocean everywhere you go?